How to Increase Email Open Rates: Practical Tips and Examples

Email marketing is a powerful marketing tool, but getting your emails opened can be tricky. Your subscriber's inboxes are likely overflowing, making it crucial to stand out.

Improving your email open rates requires a mix of strategy, creativity, and understanding your audience.

In this blog, we will discuss proven techniques to increase open rates, provide examples, and mention some email marketing software that can help boost your campaigns.

1. Craft Catchy Subject Lines

Your subject line is the first thing recipients see. It needs to grab attention immediately. An intriguing subject line can spark curiosity or offer value, making your email hard to ignore.


  • Instead of: "Check Out Our New Product" Try: "Unlock Your Exclusive Sneak Peek—New Product Inside!"

  • Instead of: "Reminder: Webinar Tomorrow" Try: "Ready to Level Up? Join Us Tomorrow for the Big Event!"

💡Tip: Keep subject lines under 50 characters for mobile-friendliness. Test different approaches—questions, numbers, or personalization can work wonders.

Email software like Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign offer A/B testing for subject lines, so you can try out different versions and see what works best.

2. Personalize Your Emails

Personalization goes beyond adding a recipient’s name to the email. Tailor content to their preferences, behaviors, or past purchases. The more personal your email feels, the more likely they are to open it.


  • "Hey John, here's a deal just for you!"
  • "You left something behind, Sarah! Complete your order now."

How to personalize:

  • Use customer data to create segments based on interests, demographics, or buying habits.
  • Set up automated emails triggered by user actions, like cart abandonment or product recommendations.

Email marketing tools like Klaviyo and HubSpot make segmentation and personalization easy, helping you send more relevant emails that boost open rates.

3. Send at the Right Time

Timing can make or break your email’s success. Even a well-written email may get lost if sent at the wrong time. To find the optimal time, analyze your audience's habits.

💡General Tips:

  • B2B emails often perform better when sent midweek (Tuesday–Thursday) and during business hours.
  • B2C emails might see higher open rates in the evening or on weekends when people are more relaxed.

Example: If you're targeting professionals, sending your email on a Monday morning may result in low open rates because their inboxes are flooded. Try mid-morning on Wednesday instead for better visibility.

4. Optimize for Mobile

More than half of all emails are opened on mobile devices. If your email isn’t mobile-friendly, chances are it’ll get deleted. Focus on creating responsive designs that look good on any screen.

Best Practices:

  • Use concise, scannable copy.
  • Stick to single-column layouts for a cleaner appearance.
  • Make CTA (Call to Action) buttons easy to tap.

Example: Instead of a lengthy email with tons of images and links, opt for something short, visual, and to the point.

Many email marketing platforms like Constant Contact and GetResponse have mobile-responsive templates, ensuring your emails look great on any device.

5. Keep Your List Clean

A high-quality email list = higher open rates. Regularly clean up your list by removing inactive or uninterested subscribers. This keeps your open rate high and reduces the chance of landing in spam folders.

How to clean your list:

  • Identify inactive subscribers (those who haven’t opened your emails in 6 months).
  • Send a re-engagement email asking if they still want to receive your content.
  • Remove those who don’t respond.

Example of a re-engagement email:

  • "We miss you! Still want to hear from us? Click here to stay subscribed."

Tools like Mailchimp offer automated list-cleaning features, making it easy to keep your email list fresh.

6. Test and Analyze

Continuous improvement comes from testing what works and what doesn’t. A/B testing (split testing) allows you to compare two versions of your email to see which one performs better.

What to test:

  • Subject lines
  • Preview text
  • Email content (text vs. images)
  • Call-to-action buttons
  • Send times

Example: Create two versions of an email—one with a discount code in the subject line and one without. Measure which gets a higher open rate and adjust your future campaigns accordingly.

7. Avoid Spam Triggers

Emails marked as spam never get opened. To avoid the spam folder, steer clear of overused phrases like “Free,” “Limited Time Offer,” or “Act Now.” Also, ensure your email has a proper balance of text and images.


  • Don’t use ALL CAPS in subject lines.
  • Limit exclamation points and promotional language.
  • Ensure your email has a clear unsubscribe link.

Tools like MailerLite help you track deliverability rates and ensure your emails aren't flagged as spam.

8. Leverage Preview Text

The preview text (or preheader) is the short snippet that appears next to the subject line in most inboxes. Make it an extension of your subject line to entice readers to open the email.

Example: If your subject line is: "Your Guide to Smarter Email Marketing," your preview text could be: "Learn the tips to increase open rates and engage your audience better."

9. Use Engaging Content and Clear CTAs

Even the best subject lines and send times won’t help if the content inside your email isn’t engaging. Keep your copy concise, and use visuals sparingly to avoid overwhelming the reader. Your CTA (Call-to-Action) should be clear and action-oriented.

Example: Instead of: "Click here to learn more," try: "Get started with your free trial now!"


Boosting your email open rates isn’t an overnight success. It requires continuous testing, refining, and engaging content. By focusing on catchy subject lines, personalization, and timing, you can significantly improve how many people open and interact with your emails.

Don’t forget to utilize popular email marketing software like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, or Constant Contact to streamline and optimize your efforts. Each tool offers features that can help you craft, test, and deliver emails that stand out in a crowded inbox.

Remember: The key to email success is consistently delivering value. If your audience finds your emails useful and relevant, open rates will follow!


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