12 effective ways for a successful omnichannel marketing I EchoApp


Boost customer engagement using the following 12 omnichannel marketing tips.

In a world where technology has given consumers the power to purchase anything they want, when they want, and how they want, businesses must meet these expectations to stay competitive. 

Have you ever received an SMS about a company promotion while you were in the company's store? Or found yourself chatting with a company's customer representative on Facebook to get product recommendations and then made a purchase on their website? These are examples of omnichannel marketing, where the customer enjoys a seamless brand experience, no matter what buying method they're using.

Omnichannel marketing creates a seamless customer experience across all online and offline channels. This means that whether your customer interacts with your brand in-store, on your website, or through social media, they should have the same positive experience. 

While this may seem daunting, we’ve compiled a list of 12 do’s to help you create a successful omnichannel marketing strategy.

According to a 2013 study conducted by Boston Consulting Group, companies that have implemented an omnichannel strategy have seen, on average:

  • A 19% increase in annual sales 

  • A 10% reduction in marketing costs 

  • An 18% increase in customer retention

Furthermore, studies show the purchase rate of omnichannel campaigns is 287% higher than single-channel campaigns. And businesses that use omnichannel strategies achieve 91% greater year-on-year customer retention.

The Do's of Omnichannel Marketing

  1. Define Your Goals

Before you even think about creating an omnichannel marketing plan, you need to sit down and define your goals. What do you want to achieve? More conversions? Higher customer retention rates?

Once you know what you're aiming for, it's a lot easier to figure out which channels you should be focusing on. And don't forget to keep your goals front and center as you create and execute your plan—you need to constantly remind yourself why you're doing this in the first place.

  1. Understand Your Customers

Do you know who your customers are? Do you understand their needs and wants? If not, it's time to do some research.

The first step in creating a successful omnichannel marketing campaign is understanding your customers. What are their buying habits? What channels do they use to shop? What are their pain points?

Once you have a better understanding of your customers, you can start creating targeted campaigns that will resonate with them. And that's the key to success—targeting your customers in the channels they use most.

  1. Develop a Strong Brand

When it comes to developing a strong brand, consistency is key. Make sure your branding is recognizable across all channels, from your website to your social media platforms to your printed materials.

Your branding should be immediately recognizable so that customers know they're dealing with you no matter where they encounter you. And don't forget the importance of a good logo—that's one of the first things people will see, and it's the perfect opportunity to make a strong impression.

Make sure your branding is professional and polished and accurately represents who you are as a business. Stay true to your brand identity, and don't change it just for the sake of change. Consistency is key in branding, and it will help you create a loyal following among your customers.

  1. Incorporate Personalization

When it comes to personalization, you want to ensure that you incorporate it into every stage of the customer journey. This will help to create a more seamless experience for your customers.

For example, on your website, you could use personalization to greet customers by name and offer them products tailored to their interests. And once they've made a purchase, you could follow up with them to see how they liked the product and if they have any suggestions for improvements.

Personalization is key to building customer loyalty, so make sure that you are using it in every interaction that you have with your customers.

  1. Use Data-Driven Decision Making

The thing about data-driven decision-making is that it's unbiased. You're not relying on your gut instinct or personal opinion; you're making decisions based on what the data tells you.

And that's why it's important to use data when planning your omnichannel marketing strategy. With EchoApp, you can track all your customer interactions in one place, so you always have accurate data to help you make decisions.

So, what are some of the benefits of data-driven decision-making? Well, for starters, it helps you optimize your marketing campaigns for better results. It also allows you to identify customer trends and preferences to adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. 

And lastly, it helps you measure the success of your campaigns so you can replicate what's working and ditch what's not.

  1. Optimize for Mobile

With more and more people using their mobile devices to interact with brands, it's essential to make sure your website is optimized for mobile. If it's not, you're going to be losing out on a lot of conversions.

Here are some tips to optimize your website for mobile:

- Use a responsive design: This will ensure that your website looks good no matter what device it's being viewed on.

- Keep your loading times short: People are impatient when using their phones, so make sure your website loads quickly.

- Use large text and buttons: People are likelier to click on buttons that are easy to see.

- Make use of touch targets: Make sure all your buttons and links are easy to tap on a mobile screen.

  1. Be Everywhere Your Customers Are

You must be where your customers are, and that means being on all the channels they're using. If you're not on social media, you're missing out. If you're not using chatbots, you're missing out. If you're not using email, you're missing out.

The bottom line is that you need to be using all the channels your customers are using, and you need to be doing it in a way that provides a seamless experience. That's where EchoApp comes in—we help you connect with your customers on every channel in a way that provides a seamless experience.

  1. Make It Easy to Buy

Making it easy for customers to buy from you is key to a successful omnichannel marketing strategy. With EchoApp, you can provide a consistent experience across all channels, from online and mobile to in-store and call centers.

We make it easy for customers to buy by providing a simple, intuitive interface that's easy to use on any device. We offer a wide range of features and functionality that lets you connect with your customers in ways that are most meaningful to them.

So make it easy for your customers to buy—with EchoApp, they'll be glad you did!

  1. Deliver a Consistent Experience

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to omnichannel marketing is that you must deliver a consistent experience. Whether your customer is interacting with you online, over the phone, or in person, they should be getting the same high-quality service.

This means training your staff on interacting with customers through all channels and ensuring that all your systems are aligned and working together. If there's a discrepancy between your online and offline channels, it will only confuse and frustrate your customers.

So keep it simple, and ensure that all your channels are singing from the same hymn sheet. 

  1. Encourage Customers to Engage

It's really important to encourage your customers to engage with you on all channels. Why? Because that's how you create a seamless experience for them.

If they have to jump from website to app to chatbot, they will get frustrated quickly. So make it easy for them! Make sure your branding is consistent across all channels and that the customer experience is the same no matter how they choose to connect with you.

And most importantly, make sure you're listening to what they're saying. Respond to their comments and questions promptly, and show that you're taking their feedback seriously. The more engaged they feel, the more likely they will stick around.

  1. Offer Customer Support

Your customers will need help from time to time, and you must be there to offer them support. This could be a help desk or simply having someone available to answer questions by phone or email.

Make sure you have a process in place for customer support and that you're responding to inquiries as quickly as possible. Keep your customers happy by providing top-notch customer service, and they'll be more likely to buy from you again.

  1. Use Data to Inform Your Decisions

Data is an essential part of any successful marketing campaign, and it's necessary for omnichannel marketing. 

Use data from your channels to inform your decisions about what content to create, which channels to use, and how to best reach your target audience.

Case Studies of Successful Omnichannel Marketing Campaigns

What works for one company might not work for another. That's why it's so important to learn from the successes and failures of others.

We've gathered some case studies of businesses that have nailed their omnichannel marketing campaigns. 

In 2017, Macy's ran a successful omnichannel marketing campaign centered around the theme of "Find the Magic." The campaign was designed to increase foot traffic to stores and encourage customers to shop online. Macy's used a variety of channels to promote the campaign, including print, TV, digital, social media, and in-store displays.

The campaign was highly successful, resulting in a 5% increase in-store visits and a 10% increase in online sales. Macy's also saw a significant increase in brand awareness and engagement.

Another successful omnichannel marketing campaign was launched by Gap in 2016. The "Dress Normal" campaign was designed to promote GAP's new line of casual clothing. The campaign included various digital, social, and traditional marketing elements.

The campaign was successful in driving awareness and sales for GAP. In the first month after the launch, GAP saw a 9% increase in online traffic and a 5% increase in-store traffic. The campaign also resulted in a significant increase in brand awareness and consideration.


The best advice you could ever get about Omnichannel marketing is to start with your end goal. What do you want to achieve with your marketing efforts? Once you have that nailed down, it becomes easier to figure out which channels will work best for you and how to integrate them seamlessly.

Don't try to do everything at once – start small and test different channels to see what works best for your business. And most importantly, always be prepared for the unexpected. Things can and will go wrong, but if you have a solid plan in place, you'll be able to handle any crisis that comes your way.

EchoApp's suite of tools helps you empower your team with AI-powered omnichannel campaign management.

References : https://www.forbes.com/sites/square/2020/12/10/6-tips-for-omnichannel-marketing-success/?sh=342263147ccf




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